Insect and Disease Concerns

I’d like to say that insect and disease problems are few and far between, but alas, that isn’t the case. Kentucky bluegrass creates a thick, dense turf. Adding 1-2” of water every week makes a warm, humid environment perfect for problems.

To prevent unexpected issues from becoming big problems, regularly scout your lawn and quickly begin treatment when you spot any signs of pests or diseases.

Common insects include:

Bluegrass billbugs
Sod webworms
Chinch bugs

Kentucky bluegrass can be susceptible to the following lawn diseases:

Necrotic ring spot
Summer patch
Dollar spot
Leaf spot
Snow molds
Fairy rings
Red thread
Powdery mildew
When it comes to diseases, prevention goes a long way. Avoid excess thatch, aerate compacted soils so water doesn’t sit on the soil surface, and don’t overapply nitrogen.

Another great way to minimize disease is to plant your yard in a mix of KBG and other cool-season grasses like tall fescue or perennial ryegrass. They have better disease resistance, and if something does try to wipe out your lawn, the entire thing won’t be affected.


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