How easy is it to access the hardscape space?

If actualizing your dream hardscape requires heavy machinery, you must consider how easily your space can be accessed. Not all tractors of pieces of heavy equipment can fit through the space between your home and your neighbor’s.

Homeowners with corner lots, or who live in suburban or rural areas, can have spaces accessed more easily. Even if this is the category you fall into, if your yard is fenced, you must consider the size of the entrance to the space you wish to hardscape.

Can large equipment and materials enter your space without alterations being made to your fencing? Even if the answer is yes, factor in the average cost of replacing any current landscape that may need to be driven over, moved, or worked on top of during the installation of your hardscape.

Not only do workers and machinery need to be able to gain access to your space, but so do materials. Delivery of large material can get tricky, and pricey, if your yard isn’t easily accessible from the nearest road. You’ll also need to keep the overall size of your yard.


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